

Five staff members jointly receive the Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Community Engagement Award at graduation

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DVC: Academic and Student Affairs, Professor 'Mabokang Monnapula-Mapesela reads out the citation of the project before the five individuals are honoured.
DVC: Academic and Student Affairs, Professor 'Mabokang Monnapula-Mapesela reads out the citation of the project before the five individuals are honoured.

During the 14h30 graduation ceremony of 30 March 2023, the Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Community Engagement Award was jointly awarded to Professor Megan Campbell, Nqobile Msomi, Dr Duane Booysen, Christine Lewis and Mandisa Ndabula from the Rhodes University Psychology Department.

The winners have engaged with community leadership to establish a much-needed facility, the Joza Assumption Development Centre (ADC) Counselling Hub in Makhanda East.

The work of the Hub was made possible through partnership building and collaboration between the ADC, Rhodes University Psychology Clinic and the Rhodes University Student Counselling Centre (SCC).

It has transformed the Rhodes University space by building on the principles of community psychology and community-based service learning within the Masters in Counselling and Clinical Psychology programmes and in the internship year completed by Counselling Psychologist Interns at the SCC.

The Hub provides counselling and psychological support beyond the university space whilst developing key skills of university students and academics.

The award selection committee strongly believes that “the inclusive, participatory partnership development process of the Hub, the trust and commitment between the diverse partners and the existing impact of the Hub on the youth of Makhanda are significant indicators of a sustainable, purposeful community engagement programme”.

A hearty congratulations to the whole team for this stellar achievement.