

Facilitating Digital Access in Local Schools

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The new lab that has been set up at DD Siwisa Primary School.
The new lab that has been set up at DD Siwisa Primary School.

Addressing the digital divide in schools is essential to ensuring access to quality education. Being able to use a computer and being familiar with computers and the internet offers learners a wealth of educational opportunities. The Computer Sciences Department at Rhodes University has initiated a project that seeks to ensure that learners in local schools have the opportunity to integrate the digital world with their learning. 

Dr Stones Chindipha, Prof Alfredo Terzoli and Dr Zalem from Computer Sciences in the Faculty of Sciences have implemented a project that involves installing labs in schools in Makhanda East. 

The team brings their expertise in setting up the labs and computers, complete with a new mouse and keyboard, and install a server to connect the computers to the internet, says Dr Chindipha.  

“The core idea is to help those schools who cannot afford to have labs of their own. There are two requirements for this: The school has to make sure that they have a room big enough to host enough computers that we can use to set up the lab. Secondly, they should be willing to spare R15,000 to buy desks and any hardware-related items that will be needed to safeguard the lab.” 

The team plans to move beyond providing access to the required digital tools to including training in computer literacies. “Of course, we are planning on leading our teaching services as well, especially to schools that may not have teachers who can help teach students,” says Chindpha. “We work closely with Dev Soc, a computer science student society at Rhodes, so that they can be trained in the setup of labs, and we also try to help them share their knowledge with those in primary school.”

This project offers a holistic approach to bridging the digital divide by creating a mutually beneficial partnership with learners, schools and students. 

“Some students, when they come to University, are very capable but cannot cope with computer science because they have no knowledge of what a computer is. The hope is that once we install the labs and teach the students how to use these computers when they get to University, they will be better off than they currently are.”

Dr Chidinpha and his team have visited some schools that meet the project’s criteria and set up the lab. They recently went to DD Siwisa Primary School where they installed a computer lab.