

2020 Community Engagement Awards to be online

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Picture from last year's Rhodes University Community Engagement (RUCE) Awards
Picture from last year's Rhodes University Community Engagement (RUCE) Awards

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Rhodes University Community Engagement (RUCE) Awards ceremony will take place online. The RUCE Division’s virtual ceremony will take place on Zoom and be streamed on the Division’s Facebook page.

These annual awards celebrate the successes of top achieving student organisations, sports clubs, residences, departments, engaged research work by students, members of the various RUCE student volunteer programmes and our community partners over the past year.

Awards are given to those who have dedicated their efforts to building and sustaining mutually-beneficial partnerships across our community.

In this challenging pandemic year RUCE, its student volunteers and community partners have had to come up with innovative ways to ensure that programmes continue. To commemorate this, RUCE will introduce special awards for individuals who have shown great leadership and went beyond the call of duty during this pandemic.

The awards will be live on Thursday, 26 November from 18h00. RUCE invites everyone to register beforehand on to reserve a front-row seat to the event.

For those who would prefer to watch the stream, please check in at