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B Ed Honours (Rhodes), Master’s in Social Science (Fort Hare University).
Diana Hornby was appointed Director of Community Engagement at Rhodes University in January 2011.
She leads a young and dynamic team, committed to building mutually beneficial and reciprocal partnerships between the university and broader community. What Grahamstown lacks in material resources we more than make up in human capital which has to date not been fully identified and harnessed to drive a potential turnaround of the city. The CE office with the combined effort of faculties and partners we are championing the challenge to bridge the deep divides which poverty has scoured across our community, bringing together new learning and capacity to model a different and better future, in South Africa, in the Eastern Cape and specifically in Grahamstown.
Diana has 15 years’ experience in the Early Childhood and Community Development field. She directed the Centre for Social Development at Rhodes University for 6 years and in this time developed a best practice ECD model that received national recognition. Diana was also part of a team that establishing a national network for 70 ECD NPO’s in the country. In 2007 she took over the Angus Gillis Foundation, a rural development NPO with a strong focus on Pro-poor models of development, winning SA’s Most Influential Women in Business and Government Award (Welfare and Community Service) for her work.