

Prof Ian Heywood colloquium on "Recent imaging adventures with MeerKAT"

21 September 2022 -21 September 2022 @ 14:00 - 15:00


September 21, 2022
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Geology Dept room 43, Zoom and YouTube
Event Type:


Prof Oleg M. Smirnov
046 603 7535

Prof Ian Heywood is visiting Rhodes this week, and will be presenting a colloquium on his recent MeerKAT results on Wednesday. Anyone with an interest in astronomy, MeerKAT and the SKA should find this talk fascinating. Prof Heywood has been responsible for some of MeerKAT's most stunning image products, including the now-famous image of the Galactic Centre that was unveiled at MeerKAT's inauguration in 2018.
Recent imaging adventures with MeerKAT"

Prof Ian Heywood (Oxford University & Rhodes University)

Recent imaging adventures with MeerKAT Prof Ian Heywood (Oxford University & Rhodes University) The South African MeerKAT telescope has produced numerous spectacular results in the four years that have passed since its inauguration. This has largely been the result of both the unprecedented imaging capabilities of the instrument, as well as the significant amount of observing time that has been invested in community and observatory-led large survey programs. I will present some results from three such projects that I have been lucky enough to be involved in, covering extragalactic deep fields, observations of an unusual pulsar, and concluding with some radio views of the centre of our own Galaxy.
Everybody is welcome to join!

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