

Give5 2017

Give5 is a fundraising campaign run by students to raise money for fellow students.  The campaign is aimed to provoke a spirit of philanthropy in students and provides them with an opportunity to help ‘one of their own’.  The success of the campaign relies on the give5 Committee and the Senior Student, together with another House Committee member, from each Residence, to galvanise the students into planning and participating in the fundraising activities.

In March 2017, more than R75 000 was raised for give5 in just over a week.  The student body went on a fundraising spree, asking for donations of R5 or more, as well as planning and implementing more than 37 initiatives around events, sales and services.

Clubs and Societies joined in as well, adding just under R5000 to the accumulative amount raised. 

The fifth annual Fire Walk took place on Friday the 31st March and 25 brave students and staff members confronted their fears and conquered 5 meters of red-hot coals to further raise funds.  Every walker symbolised the discomfit of walking in someone else’s footsteps.

Fire Walke 2017 1 Fire Walk 3  


The annual give5 campaign raises awareness and funds to assist recipients of the Pocket Money Fund, given to deserving students at R200 per month, for 10 months of the year. Beneficiaries of the Pocket Money Fund do not enjoy traditional university experiences such as going out to the local pub, grabbing a hamburger with friends or being able to invite their fellow students into their rooms for a cup of coffee - they simply cannot afford it. 

The waiting list for the Pocket Money Fund is growing and we started a Toiletry and Non-perishable Item Collection alleviating financial stress in addition to the small amount of pocket money received from the fund.   Many staff members, alumni and corporates are inspired by our students passion to make such a difference and continuously support us throughout the year.

The one week campaign runs on a competition basis between the Residences and Halls. After the one week, all students are encouraged to carry on with the Fundraising drive to ensure that we have enough money the following year to help more Pocket Money Fund students. Our Alumni and Staff donate throughout the year to this project and we are extremely grateful for their assistance in ensuring that the Pocket Money Fund is sustainable annually.

Winning Residences: 2017

  1.     BOTHA HOUSE
  2.     ALLAN GRAY
  3.     PHELPS

Winning Halls:

  1.       FOUNDERS
  2.       DROSTDY  
  3.       ST MARY’S

 If you would like to donate or need any further information, please e-mail: