
Rhodes>Centre for Biological Control>National Symposium on Biological Invasions

National Symposium on Biological Invasions 2024

NSBI 2024 Logo

                                                                                                                                                     RDH Design


We are excited to invite you to attend the 2024 National Symposium on Biological Invasions.  This year’s symposium is in the Northern Cape for the first time and we are most grateful to Sol Plaatje University for co-hosting the event with the Centre for Biological Control, Rhodes University.  The event will take place between 9 and 12 September 2024 in Kimberley.

The theme for the 2024 symposium is, “Managing Biological Invasions across the Biomes of South Africa”.  Please consider the theme when preparing your abstracts and motivating your students to prepare presentations for the symposium?  We invite presentations that look at all stages of management of biological invasions from detection of new invasions through to asset protection from a specific invasive species in a particular biome.  The symposium will treat wetlands and freshwater systems, and marine systems as separate biomes.

In order to accommodate as many of you as possible we are offering three ways of presenting your research either a five or a ten minutes long presentation, or a poster.  You will be able to indicate on your registration form which mode of presentation you would prefer.  We will circulate guidelines for presentation production once the Science Committee has reviewed and selected the presentations.



Register here


Submit Abstract here


Important Dates and Costs


Accommodation Options



 Sol Plaatje University logo



Please contact us if you would like to sponsor the event: 



Thanks to RDH Design's Regan Harebottle for designing the logo for the Symposium. 



Last Modified: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 14:40:45 SAST