PDF copies availabe on request (email) or can be found in the Rhodes University eResearch Repository or on ResearchGate.
31. Melidonis CA and Peter CI (2015) Diurnal pollination, primarily by a single species of rodent, documented in Protea foliosa using modified camera traps. South African Journal of Botany 97:9-15.
30. Peter CI and Shuttleworth A (2014) Catching on to concatenation: Evidence for pre-pollination intra-sexual selection in plants. New Phytologist 203(1):4-6
29. Duffy KJ, Johnson SD and Peter CI (2014) A temporal dimension to the influence of pollen rewards on bee behaviour and fecundity in Aloe tenuior. PLoS ONE 9(4): e94908.
28. Martos F, Johnson SD, Peter CI, Bytebier B (2014) A molecular phylogeny reveals paraphyly of the large genus Eulophia (Orchidaceae): a case for the reinstatement of Orthochilus. Taxon 63(1): 9-23
27. Peter CI and Johnson SD (2014). A pollinator shift explains floral divergence in an orchid species complex in South Africa. Annals of Botany (pollinator driven speciation special issue) 113(2):277-288.
26. Peter CI and Johnson SD (2013) Generalized food-deception: colour signals and efficient pollen transfer in bee-pollinated species of Eulophia (Orchidaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 171(4).713-729
25. Coombs G, Dold AP and Peter CI (2012) Large pollen loads of a South African milkweed do not interfere with the foraging behaviour of honey bees. Naturwissenschaften 99(7): 545-552
24. Coombs G, Dold AP and Peter CI (2011). Generalized fly-pollination in Ceropegia ampliata(Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae): The role of trapping hairs in pollen export and receipt. Plant Systematics and Evolution 296(1):137-148
23. Johnson SD, Peter CI, Ellis A, Boberg E, Botes C and van der Niet T (2011). Pollination of the twin-spurred orchid genus Satyrium in the grasslands of southern and south-central Africa. Plant Systematics and Evolution 292(1-2):95-103.
22. Coombs G and Peter CI (2010). The invasive ‘mothcatcher’ (Araujia sericifera Brot.; Asclepiadoideae) co-opts native honeybees as its primary pollinator in South Africa. AoB PLANTS 2010 (plq021): 1-14.
21. Johnson SD, Griffiths ME, Peter CI and Lawes MJ (2009) Pollinators, "mustard oil" volatiles, and fruit production in flowers of the dioecious tree Drypetes natalensis (Putranjivaceae). American Journal of Botany 96(11):2080-2086
20. Peter CI, Coombs G, Huchzermeyer CF, Venter N, Winkler AC, Hutton D, Papier LA, Dold AP and Johnson SD (2009) Confirmation of hawkmoth pollination in Habenaria epipactidea: Leg placement of pollinaria and crepuscular scent emission. South African Journal of Botany 75(4): 744-750
19. Peter CI and Johnson SD (2009). Autonomous self-pollination and pseudo-fruit set in South African species of Eulophia (Orchidaceae). South African Journal of Botany 75(4): 791-797
18. Peter CI and Johnson SD (2009). Pollination by flower chafer beetles in Eulophia ensata and Eulophia welwitschii. South African Journal of Botany 75(4):762-770.
17. Coombs G and Peter CI (2009). Do floral traits of Strelitzia reginae limit nectar theft by sunbirds? South African Journal of Botany 75(4): 751-756
16. Coombs G, Peter CI and Johnson SD (2009) A test for allee effects in the self-incompatible wasp-pollinated milkweed Gomphocarpus physocarpus. Austral Ecology 34(6):688-697
15. Peter CI and Johnson SD (2009) Reproductive biology of Acrolophia cochlearis (Orchidaceae): Estimating rates of cross-pollination in epidendroid orchids. Annals of Botany. 104(3):573-581
14. Ollerton J, Alarcon R, Waser N, Price M, Watts S, Cranmer L, Hingston A, Peter CI, Rotenberry J (2009). A global test of the pollination syndrome hypothesis. Annals of Botany 103(9): 1471-1480.
13. de Wet. L-AR, Barker NP and Peter CI (2008) The long and the short of gene flow and reproductive isolation: Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers support the recognition of two floral forms in Pelargonium reniforme (Geraniaceae). Biochemical Systematics & Ecology 36(9):684-690.
12. Peter CI and Johnson SD (2008). Mimics and Magnets: The importance of color and ecological facilitation in floral deception. Ecology 89(6):1583-1595.
11. Larsen M, Peter CI, Johnson SD and Olesen JM (2008) Comparative biology of pollination systems in the African-Malagasy genus Brownleea (Brownleeinae: Orchidaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society. 156(1):65-78.
10. Peter CI and Johnson SD (2006). Doing the twist: a test of Darwin's cross-pollination hypothesis for pollinium reconfiguration. Biology Letters 2(1): 65-68.
9. Peter CI and Johnson SD (2006). Anther cap retention prevents self-pollination by elaterid beetles in the South African orchid Eulophia foliosa. Annals of Botany 97: 345-355.
8. Peter CI, Dold AP, Barker NP and Ripley BS (2004) Pollination biology of Bergeranthus multiceps (Aizoaceae) with preliminary observations of repeated flower opening and closure. South African Journal of Science (Rhodes Centenary issue) 100:624-629.
7. Johnson SD, Neal PR, Peter CI and Edwards TJ (2004). Fruiting failure and limited recruitment in remnant populations of the hawkmoth-pollinated tree Oxyanthus pyriformis subsp pyriformis (Rubiaceae). Biological Conservation 120: 31-39.
6. Johnson SD, Peter CI and Ågren J (2004). The effects of nectar addition on pollen removal and geitonogamy in the non-rewarding orchid Anacamptis morio. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 271: 803-809.
5. Johnson SD, Peter CI, Nilsson LA and Ågren J (2003). Pollination success in a deceptive orchid is enhanced by co-occurring rewarding magnet plants. Ecology84: 2919-2927.
4. Robertson MP, Peter CI, Villet M & Ripley BS (2003). Comparing models for predicting species’ potential distributions: a case study using correlative and mechanistic predictive modelling techniques. Ecological Modelling 164:153-197.
3. Peter CI, Ripley BS & Robertson MP (2003). Environmental limits to the distribution of Scaevola plumieri along the South African coast. Journal of Vegetation Science 14:89-98.
2. Botha CEJ, Cross RHM, van Bel AJE & Peter CI (2000). Phloem loading in the sucrose-export-defective (SXD-1) mutant maize is limited by callose deposition at plasmodesmata in bundle sheath-vascular parenchyma interface. Protoplasma 214:65-72.
1. Peter CI and Ripley BS (2000). An empirical formula for estimating the water use of Scaevola plumieri. South African Journal of Science 96:593-596.
Last Modified: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 17:17:12 SAST