
Rhodes>BioBRU>Members>Prof Gregory Blatch

Professor Gregory Blatch

Rhodes University Visiting Professor hosted by BioBRU (Honorary Appointment)

Professor and Pro Vice Chancellor Research, Vice Chancellery, The University of Notre Dame Australia


Brief Biography

Professor Gregory (Greg) Blatch is Pro Vice-Chancellor Research at The University of Notre Dame Australia (since 2017). Previous to this appointment, he was Dean of the College of Health and Biomedicine, Victoria University (Australia), and Head of the School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Victoria University (2011-2016). Prior to joining Victoria University he held various teaching and research, leadership and management roles at the University of the Witwatersrand and Rhodes University (South Africa). He has a keen interest in the role of mentorship in the development of academic and research capability, and he has played a foundational leadership role at institutional, national and international levels in building academic and research entities. His personal research interests fall within the broad field of cellular stress biology, and he has been internationally recognized for his work on the role of stress in disease (e.g. cancer) and infection (e.g. malaria) through a number of successful fellowships/grants and awards (e.g. Wellcome Trust, UK, 2002-2007; DFG, Germany, 2009-2012). He is a past President of the South African Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, a Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa, and a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa. He holds honorary appointments at Rhodes University (Visiting Professor), Victoria University (Honorary Professor), University of Venda (Adjunct Professor) and Murdoch University (Adjunct Professor). He completed his PhD at the University of Cape Town (South Africa; 1990) and conducted postdoctoral research at Harvard University (USA; 1993-1995). He has worked in academia for over 20 years, and supervised to completion 23 PhD and 26 MSc students, and produced over 100 peer-reviewed publications.



The University of Notre Dame Australia



Last Modified: Wed, 20 Sep 2017 10:01:24 SAST