

Rhodes University distinguished academic becomes an honorary fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Rhodes University’s Director of the DST Institute for Nanotechnology Innovation, Distinguished Professor Tebello Nyokong, has been named an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Rhodes University sweeps the board at national three-minute thesis competition

Two Rhodes University PhD candidates walked away with a first place tie in the national Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition last week.

Rhodes University partners with Grocott’s Mail to bring you your paper

This Friday you would not have found your Grocott’s Mail at the supermarket as usual, and here’s why.

Rhodes University assists grade 11 pupil to realise research dream

Rhodes University academics are assisting grade 11 Stutterheim High School pupil, Konwaba Putsu, to realise his dream. The 17-year-old Konwaba has aspirations of discovering what can be done to stop cancer from spreading in the body.

Rhodes University assists grade 11 pupil to realise research dream

Rhodes University academics are assisting grade 11 Stutterheim High School pupil, Konwaba Putsu, to realise his dream.

Five Posters Selected For Presentation During Session at Old Town 2018 Symposium

The selected presenters were Abantika Chakraborty (Adrienne Edkins lab at Rhodes University), Eileen Burchfiel (Dennis Thiele lab, Duke University), Sarah Backe (Mehdi Mollapour lab, SUNY Upstate Medical University), and Irene Zohn (Children’s National Medical Center) (Figure 1).

Rhodes University Professor among research consortia awarded £7 million to tackle HIV-related cancer

Rhodes University’s Professor Adrienne Edkins has received close to 2 million rand from the UK Government to tackle HIV-related cancer as part of an international initiative to understand and treat HIV related cancer.

SARChI Chair awarded Newton Fellowship grant

Rhodes University SARChI Chair for Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Eukaryotic Stress Response Professor Adrienne Edkins, has been awarded a 2018 Newton Advanced Fellowship grant of £101 000 (which is close to R2 million) from the Academy of Medical Sciences.

BioBRU celebrates 10 years

A talk organised by Rhodes University’s Biomedical Biotechnology Research Unit (BioBRU) was held recently in celebration of BioBRU’s 10-year anniversary.

University of Stellenbosch Collaboration

Nathan Holm, a first year MSc candidate, visited Prof Kathy Myburgh’s lab at Stellenbosch University in October, 2018.

BioBRU Runs 21kms

The Mountain Drive Half Marathon was a gruelling 21km run that took on the steep climb towards Grahamstowns toposcope

CrossFit Scientists

The Grahamstown Games was a fun CrossFit event in which multiple members of the research group participated –

Footwork Instead of Labwork

Recently the department of Biochemistry and Microbiology took on the Department of Zoology in a riveting game of soccer.

BioBRU in Scotland

Abir Chakraborty, a TWAS-NRF Doctoral fellow of Rhodes University and a member of BioBRU, visited the University of Edinburgh on a research exchange program to execute certain research experiments at the Department of Chemistry.

Advanced Proteomics Workshop

BioBRU students: Nathan Holm (MSc candidate), Lili Flax (MSc candidate), Robert Rossouw (MSc candidate), Abir Chakraborty (PhD candidate) and Kemi Oladipo (PhD candidate) attended the ACGT Advanced Proteomics Workshop and Symposium.

BioBRU Attends the SASBMB-FASBMB 2018

Ten members of BioBRU participated in the conference with Principal investigator Professor Adrienne Edkins delivering a talk on the chaperones Hsp90 and Hsp70 as well as the co-chaperone HOP as drug targets in cancer.

The 9th International Conference on the Hsp90 Chaperone Machine

Prof Adrienne Edkins and two of her supervised PhD students, Natasha Boel and Michaelone Vaaltyn, made their way to Leysin in Switzerland to present their research at the 9th International conference on the Hsp90 chaperone machine.

Rhodes University women in science honoured

The Rhodes University community celebrates the achievements of two women in science - Professor Adrienne Edkins and her Masters student, Ms Kelly Schwarz.

BioBRU goes to India


Mandela Rhodes Scholar Attends Leadership Workshop

Lili Marie Flax, currently registered to do her masters in biochemistry at Rhodes University is the newest member of the BioBRU group. Her research focuses on the effects of HIV on the expression of STIP1 in common South African cancers.

Nobel Prize in chemistry 2013 winner comes to Rhodes

On 20 November, Rhodes University and the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) hosted a Public Lecture by Professor Michael Levitt on the birth and future of Multiscale Modelling of Macromolecules.

University of the Western Cape Student Visits BioBRU

Julian Sheldon visited BioBRU for six weeks. Julian is an MSc student from the University of the Western Cape (UWC)