

Angelo Kakande


  • 2017. (Book Chapter) "On Collin Sekajugo's The Fist of Stella Nyanzi Exhibition and the Gendered Power Economy in Uganda." In Concerning Nuditude edited by Moses Serubiri, pp.47-59.
  • 2017."On the Love That Dares Exhibition: Overlapping Histories, Shared Visions ". Love that dares exhibition 2017 

  • 2017. "Returning to the archive: It is still rich, accessible and usable!" Start a Journal of Art and Culture.

  • 2017. "Reimag[in]ing the Village as a Portrait of a Nation-State in Uganda." African Arts, 50 (2), p.46-57.

  • 2016. “Art and the ‘Ghost’ of ‘Military Dictatorship’: Expressions of Dictatorship in Post-1986 Contemporary Ugandan art”. Start Journal: A Journal for Arts and Culture in East Africa

  • 2016. “Disability is Not a Synonym for Dependency; It Is Euphemism for Exclusion”Artwork exhibited with accompanying essay in the Different but one 20 Staff Exhibition for academic staff at Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine ArtInstitute of Heritage Conservation and Restoration, Makerere University, Kampala.

  • 2016. ‘“Nze Ssengendo Ndi Muganda.” Ate Ggwe?: From Ssengendo's Art to the Celebration of Our Identities” essay for the exhibition titled Professor Pilkington Nsibambi Sengendo: A cultural Tribute (1942-2015) pp14-35.

  • 2016. “On Ceramics, Untameable Presidents and Weak Laws? Its Art as/and the Expression of Dictatorship in Africa’s Postcolonial States”. CPAN: Journal of Ceramics ISSN: 0189-8833

  • 2016. “On Collin Sekajugo’s The Fist of Stella Nyanzi Exhibition and the Gendered Power Economy in Uganda”

  • [and] Tumusiime Amanda. 2016. “Ceramics as a Voice for the Protection of the Environment: On Art, Eco-activism and the Flower in Ceramic Art in Uganda”. In CPAN: Journal of Ceramics. ISSN: 0189-8833.

  • [and] Kalule Kasozi, Dorah. 2016. "Jewelry as “Art that has a Life of Its Own”, Research and Transnational African Culture at Makerere University." Abraka Humanities Review: A Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Delta State Nigeria 7:50-65.

  • 2015. “Let’s Respect LGBTQI Rights”. Artwork exhibited with accompanying essay in the Different but one 19 Staff Exhibition for academic staff at Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine ArtInstitute of Heritage Conservation and Restoration, Makerere University, Kampala.

  • 2015. “On Kyeyune’s tradition in Quiet Dignity: its politics, debate and sources” in Quiet Dignity, Makerere Institute of Heritage Conservation and Research, Makerere University, Kampala. Exhibition Essay.

  • 2015. “Protection of the “Traditional Heterosexual Family? The State and Anti-homosexuality Legislation in Uganda” in D. Higginbotham & V. C. Buthelezi (Eds.), Contested Intimacies: The Sexuality and the Law in Africa, p.17-30. Cape Town: Siber Ink.

  • 2015. Towards an Understanding of Uganda’s Urban Pottery. Third Text Africa, 4(1), p.13-24.

  • 2014. “Ceramics as an Archive for Uganda’s Socioeconomic challenges? On the Social Roots of Bruno Sserunkuuma’s Practice. Abraka Humanities Review: A Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Delta State Nigeria, 6(1), 26-42.

  • 2014. “On DBO-18?”Artwork exhibited with accompanying essay in the Different but one 18 Staff Exhibition for academic staff at Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine ArtInstitute of Heritage Conservation and Restoration, Makerere University, Kampala.

  • 2013 “Powerful presidency, Untameable Rogue”. Artwork exhibited with accompanying essay in the Different but one 17 Staff Exhibition for academic staff at Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine ArtInstitute of Heritage Conservation and Restoration, Makerere University, Kampala.

  • 2012. “Nudity and its visual representation in Uganda’s contemporary art: It is artistic expression, free speech and gendered”. Start Journal of Arts and Culture in East Africa, 

  • 2012. “The 100 posters for the right to education exhibition: Its lessons for the enforcement of fundamental Rights”Start Journal of Arts and Culture, Issue no. 018, 11 pages. [Accessed 25 October 2012]

  • 2011. “Kyeyune’s the Kampala I will always come back to? I see aestheticized reality and a risk of propaganda”. Start Journal of Arts and Culture in East Africa. 

  • 2011. “Sculptural figures reflected on daily experiences: Nabulime confronts the canon of visual representationStart Journal of Arts and Culture.

  • 2011. “Contemplating the early years exhibition, risking Propaganda: A critical review”. Start Journal of Culture in East Africa.  

  • 2011. “Kyeyune’s the Kampala I will always come back to? I see aestheticized reality and a risk of propaganda”. Start Journal of Arts and Culture in East Africa.  

  • 2007, “The Hornsleth Art Project in Uganda: Its Politics beyond the Obvious”. Reflektions, Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Art, no.1.

  • 2005. “Our Hidden Treasures, Our Political Reality” in Our Hidden Treasures, Makerere Institute of Heritage Conservation and Research, Makerere University, Kampala. Exhibition essay. 

  • 2005. "Kony + State = ?: Speculating on What a Successful Resolution to the Kony-Conflict through Dialogue will Mean for Uganda’s Flag”. Artwork exhibited with accompanying essay in the Different but one 9 Staff Exhibition for academic staff at Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine ArtInstitute of Heritage Conservation and Restoration, Makerere University, Kampala.

  • 2004, ‘A unique complexity’. In Anitra Nettleton, Julia Charlton, Fiona Rankin-Smith, Voice-Overs. Johannesburg: Wits Art Galleries (2004), p.72-73.

Last Modified: Fri, 04 May 2018 16:04:27 SAST