

Talk: Imaging a Polluted City, Expressing Dissent: Art and the Neoliberal

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Dr Angelo Kakande
Dr Angelo Kakande

Date: Thursday 15th March 2018

Time: 1:15

Venue: Fine Art Seminar Room (Somerset Street, between New St and High St)

Talk: “Imaging a Polluted City, Expressing Dissent: Art and the Neoliberal State in Uganda”

Dr. Angelo Kakande is an artist, an art historian and a lawyer. He uses a multidisciplinary approach to interrogate the nexus between Uganda’s art and the competing legal, social and political discourses that frame it. He is a Senior Lecturer and the Head of Department of Industrial Art and Applied Design at Makerere University. He is a Senior Research Associate at Rhodes University, a Fellow of the American Council for Learned Societies, and a Fellow of the Carnegie Next Generation of African Academics II. He is currently at Rhodes University as an ACLS African Humanities Programme Postdoctoral Fellow.