

MFA exhibition "ChaMoneka: UnCasting Shadows" by Gladys Kalichini

Rhodes>Arts of Africa >bbin宝盈集团

Chamoneka: Uncasting Shadows by Gladys Kalichini
Chamoneka: Uncasting Shadows by Gladys Kalichini

This exhibition explores the erasure of women’s narratives from Zambian history and collective memory. As a point of entry into the broader conversation of narratives of women marginalised in certain historicised events, the body of work in this show, draws from the narratives of Julia Chikamoneka and Alice Lenshina that are held in the collective memory of Zambian history. The show focuses on the representations of narratives of women during and beyond colonial times, while hinging particularly on these two characters’ encounters with and against British rule in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia). Titled ChaMoneka (It Has Become Visible): UnCasting Shadows, it explores representations of death, where death is conceptualised as a metaphor for the erasure of women’s historical narratives, whereas the female body is a metaphor for women's narrative. Death within this exhibition is thematised as the course of fading away and a continuous process in which women’s narratives are erased. This show examines the representations and positioning of women’s political activities within the liberation narrative that is recorded in the National Archives of Zambia (NAZ) and the United National Independence Party (UNIP) Archives.

Date: Tuesday 5th December 2017

Time: 5:30 pm

Venue: Albany History Museum

Go to Grocotts Mail to read more about the exhibition