

Call for Writers in Residence (2019)

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RAW Spot gallery
RAW Spot gallery

Hosted by Residencies for Artists and Writers (RAW), Arts of Africa and Global Souths research programme

Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa 

The Arts of Africa and the Global Souths* research programme invites scholarly writers working in the visual arts to apply for a Writer’s Residency hosted by Rhodes University in Makhanda, South Africa.

Priority will be given to scholarly writers based on the African continent or within the global south.

Writers will be part of a research team that consists of research staff, postdoctoral fellows, postgraduate students and visiting artists, and will be expected to engage with this scholarly community.

They will be in residence for two months during 2019, and will be expected to produce a publication (such as an article, book chapter or exhibition catalogue text) that is relevant to the work of the research team. Please see for further information on the research programme. 


Accommodation, flight, a per diem and limited research costs will be provided. Additional costs for any applicable permits or visas will be covered by the writer. A letter of invitation will be provided for the required visa application.


Please send the following information to by April 30, 2019:

  1. A comprehensive CV including a list of previous publications
  2. A proposed publication that you will work on during the residency including an abstract, a basic outline of the work and an indication of how far this project currently is
  3. A sample of relevant published work
  4. A proposed publishing platform** such as journal, edited book or catalogue (please be specific)
  5. A copy of your ID document or passport
  6. Proposed months of the residency 

For further information, please email the PROSPA Administrator and Research Coordinator, Shirley Kabwato ( or the SARChI Research Chair Ruth Simbao ( 

* The Arts of Africa and the Global Souths programme consists of the NRF SARChI Chair in Geopolitics and the Arts of Africa and the Mellon PROSPA programme – Publishing and Research of the South: Positioning Africa. The RAW residency programme was founded in 2014, and the current residencies are funded by the Andrew W. Mellon foundation.

** Please note that the emphasis is on scholarly publishing in the visual arts and does not include writing for newspapers or online blogs.  

Rhodes logo RAW Residencies 2019 NRF Logo RAW Residencies Call 2019 Mellon logo RAW Residence Call 2019