

Kiagho Bukheti Kilonzo

Art POWA member

Kiagho Bukheti Kilonzo is a Tanzanian by origin who was born on 9th February, 1976 at Muheza, Tanzania. Currently, he is a full time Lecturer, Researcher and Consultant at the University of Dar es salaam, Department of Creative Arts. He also holds some administrative posts for practical trainings at the college level and for quality assurance at the university level. Kiagho is also volunteering as the Executive Director of the East Africa Art Biennale Association, which promotes all the artists of East African region by organizing every two years (Biennale) a fine arts exhibition. From 2012 to 2016 he was a Board member in the founding team of the Tanzania Federation of Crafts and Arts. He was also the President/Chairman of the Tanzania National Committee of the International Association of Arts in the period of 2010 to 2014, and a convener of a team tasked to revive “Humanities” Newsletter of the College of Humanities, University of Dar es Salaam in March 2017.

Kiagho holds a Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Fine Arts pursued at the University of Dar es Salaam in 2014, Masters of Arts and Technology from University of Texas at Dallas, Bachelor of Fine Art from THE University of North Texas, both in USA, Diploma and Certificate of Arts from Bagamoyo College of Arts, Tanzania.

Kiagho has attended and participated in various international conferences, workshops and art festivals in the United States, Sweden, China, South Africa, Senegal, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and his home country, Tanzania. His major and most current awards include the 2017/2018 University of Dar es Salaam Research Week 3rd winning award, and PhD Scholarship in Fine Arts at the University of Dar es Salaam, which was fully funded by SIDA/SAREC.

At the moment, Kiagho has three peer reviewed academic articles published in international journals, and three more articles, which are at a reviewing stage. In case of curating, apart from organising art biennale in Tanzania, Kiagho has also organized an art tour to stage art exhibitions in East African five countries, purposely to further regional integration by reaching people on the grass-root through culture intending to make a meaningful contact between artists and the people of East Africa and beyond.



Last Modified: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 14:02:17 SAST