

Kennedy Jude Eweka

Art POWA member

Dr (Prince) Kennedy Jude Eweka was born on 27th May 1972 a Great-Grand Son of Oba Eweka II of the Benin Royal family in Edo State, Nigeria. He is a Ceramist and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Fine/Applied Arts, Ekenwan Campus, Faculty of Environmental Sciences in the University of Benin, Nigeria. Apart from his lecturing duties, he also engages in research in photographic art documentation and cultural art community projects some of which are Studio art research development, ceramic art project supervision, ceramic art examiner and external exams moderator in ceramics studio art. In 2015, he won the best research day award organized by the University of Benin. He featured in several group exhibitions and staged three major solos, one at the Delta State University, Abraka on the completion of his PhD studies titled: 'Ceramic kiln Furniture' held on 18 May, 2015; 'Ceramics a tool for Social Interface’, University of Benin, 4 – 8 June 2015; ‘My Country, My Culture, My Alma Mata, 2 – 31 May 2018. He has participated in several academic workshops, national and international academic conferences and has published in several learned journals. He is a member of an international body; the Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA) and a National body; the Ceramic Researchers Association of Nigeria (ceRAN) of which he is the current national Vice-President a position he has held for six years running till to date.


Last Modified: Mon, 13 May 2019 10:00:38 SAST