

A new and exciting issue of the African Arts journal is out

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African Arts 3rd Issue by the Rhodes Editorial Consortium Board
African Arts 3rd Issue by the Rhodes Editorial Consortium Board

A new and exciting issue of the African Arts journal is out, featuring Stacey Gillian Abe's photograph on the front cover. Congratulations to everyone involved! Part of this issue grew out of the Kampala publishing workshop, which was a collaboration between Rhodes University and Makerere University. Article authors in this issue are: Stephen F?lárànmí, Ruth Simbao, Koyo Kouoh, Smooth Ugochukwu C. Nzewi, Suzana Sousa, Emi Koide Guarani Kaiowá, Stacey Gillian Abe, Immy Mali, Jimga Jimoh Ganiyu, Dorah Kasozi, Rose Kirumira, and Itohan Osayimwese.

This is the third issue edited by Rhodes University as part of the African Arts consortium. We are pleased to announce that we have a new board moving forward, which consists of Ruth Simbao, Emi Koide, Angelo Kakande, Rachel Baasch and Stephen Folaranmi. We look forward to our next issue, which is in process and is based on a workshop with BlaxTARLINES Kumasiat Rhodes University in 2018.

African Arts Rhodes Editorial Consortium

African Arts Rhodes Editorial Consortium

African Arts Rhodes Editorial Consortium

African Arts Rhodes Editorial Consortium