
Rhodes>African Studies Centre>bbin宝盈集团


Rhodes University was awarded a University of Bayreuth (UBT) African Cluster Centre (ACC), as part of UBT’s Africa Multiple Centre of Excellence in October 2019. It is one of the four such African Cluster Centres. The other institutions that are in the Cluster are Université Ouaga I, aka Joseph Ki-Zerbo University (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso), Moi University (Eldoret, Kenya), and the Institute of African and Diaspora Studies at the University of Lagos (Lagos, Nigeria).


This global strategic collaboration as well as our institutional strategic considerations necessitated the need for a formal African Studies Centre (RASC) at Rhodes university. Our collaboration with the University of Bayreuth (UBT) is a key flagship project under the RASC.


Rhodes University, the UBT and the rest of the Cluster system will work together to:


  • Identify opportunities for increasing staff and student mobility within the Africa Multiple Cluster system;
  • To develop opportunities for joint PhD supervisions and Postdoctoral fellows in partner institutions;
  • Identify and conduct Research and other intellectual collaborative projects in the furtherance of joint objectives and of interest to the Parties;
  • Develop strategies to approach such opportunities, including approaching them independently or together where and when appropriate;
  • Facilitate the development of proposals and offers for individual opportunities, including exploring possibilities for grants and other forms of funding.
  • To leverage on this cooperation so as to strengthen our continental and global intellectual networks


The ultimate goal is to Reconfigure African Studies.

For more about the Africa Multiple, check here:

Check out Prof Msindo interview - University of Bayreuth July 2019

Last Modified: Fri, 07 Jun 2024 17:37:21 SAST