

Languages help Rhodes renovations

Rhodes>African Languages>bbin宝盈集团

AN increase in the number of language students at Rhodes University is largely to thank for the R170 million grant that the institution recently received.

Although an official press briefing is yet to be held, Zamuxolo Matiwana of the Rhodes communication department said R31m of the funding from the Department of Higher Education and Training will go towards a new School of Languages building.

The new language school will cost R60m in total with Rhodes providing the extra funding.

Prof Russell Kaschula, head of the School of Languages, explained that the School has experienced huge growth in recent years, especially within the African languages department.

All the School of Languages departments, including the Chinese Confucius Institute will be relocating to the new, building.

Matiwana said the bulk of the funding, R100m, is to go towards the construction of a new life sciences building, and the surplus will be distributed among various other renovations around campus.

Source: Grocott’s Mail

By Desiree Schirlinger